Ocean Spirit

Heyo, whats up, Thank you to coming to my commission page!
I'm a 23 year old human who likes to create arts. Currently available for hire by those who want drawings of their finest lads, ladies and dapper little not dudes or gals pals. Feel free to find me on the social medias if you have any questions. No AI here, only my human meat hands and the little scribbles they can produce

Terms of Service

Will Draw-Original Characters (Humanoid or animal)
-Fantasy Creatures
-Fanart in General
-Ship Art
-Mild Gore or Blood
-Suggestive Themes (TO AN EXTENT, be aware if I'm uncomfy with it I wont accept the commission)
Wont Draw-Porn (NSFW)
-Fetish Stuff
-Offensive Content/Art with Hateful Themes
-Extreme Gore
-Mecha/Vehicles (you can ask but its not my area of expertise so you are better off looking elsewhere)
------------------Please review the above lists before commissioning me, I hold the right to decline you commission, and if I sense any funny business, decline I will! (Just respect my boundaries please 8-8)That being said, if you are openly racist, homephobic, transphobic, acephobic, or a TERF don't bother to commission me >:/ (in fact, if that's you, feel free to block me cuz I'm pro LGBTQIA+ and I don't have time for racist shenanigans)------------------GeneralIt is greatly preferred to have a visual reference for the commission, especially if it is a OC. If it is a character from a series/franchise that has a specific look, tell me the specific look (ex. if you want your commission to look like a popular fanon version of a character instead of the live action movie version). If you are commissioning me an OC that has no visual guide, be aware that if your description is not descriptive enough, I cannot complete your commission and will refuse.
Check out my FAQ for more on this
I typically will post finished commissions to my own social medias (water marked and at a smaller resolution) and may use the image later as an example for future commissioners to reference when making a decision. If you would prefer for me not to do that, Just let me know :)
When I am done with the commission you will receive a full unwatermarked image, a small unwatermarked version, and a small watermarked one. Use and release them as you see fit (but if it has my signature, the signature must stay!)
All in all, don't be afraid to ask questions (cuz I certainty wont be afraid to ask questions if I don't understand part of your request)
PermissionsThe commissioner is the only one with permissions to use the artwork. Of course, the commissioner is free to use it and give permissions to others as they please. If someone other than the commissioner wants to use it, you must ask the commissioner for permission.
However, even if you are the commissioner you may NEVER claim the art as your own (I.e. that you drew it). While the image is now yours, the artwork was still produced by me. Its also best practice to tag me in any social media posts you make of the image (not absolutely necessary with my signature present - especially since I don't have all social media), but it is preferred. If I find that you are claiming that you drew it yourself or have removed signature from the work, I will not hesitate to report you and blacklist you from further commission opportunities. I also request that you refrain from submitting the commission to AI training models.
PaymentI only take payment through Paypal Invoices. I also only accept Full payment only. The commission must be paid in full before any artwork will be sent. Along with this, the Commissioner must follow rules associated with paypal, if not I have the right to cancel the commission (please familiarize yourself with them, especially if you are under the age of 18)Also it should be noted that all of my current commissions are 100% digital. There is no mailing fee, tracking number and deliveries to worry about. It will be marked as such on the invoice.------------------** Refund process**Please note that I cannot give refunds once process has begun and I have started sending you mock ups. If a problem arises money wise on your end, feel free to contact me and I will try and work something out with you. However, do not issue a refund through paypal. That just creates a big headache for both of us and I will not hesitate to blacklist you.
I am quite reasonable (I can understand emergencies and money issues) so please just talk to me!
------------------** Timeline**After you send in your commission, I will review your form and if I accept your commission, I will send an email confirming and then a Paypal Invoice. I will not start your commission until have a received payment.
The first step following this is for me to draw a mock up and send it to you for approval. At this point, feel free to let me know if you want anything like the overall pose, layout or anatomy changed. (Note: I can only do so many iterations so be concise if you want changes. I don't want to go back and forth 50 times, thanks). Once I have your approval, I will continue on.
*If you only got a sketch, I will clean it up for ya if you have requested changes!
The next step is linework and base colors. Once done I will once again send it to you for approval. It should be noted that this step of approval is for detail changes and color changes. I will not do major anatomy/ pose changes past the sketch phase.From here I will finish the piece. Once completed, I send it you and will preform one more round of minor tweaks at your request (ex. adjusting eye color to be more saturated or fixing a small detail)
After this, I will do no more work on the piece and will send you the full files.
The only think left to do after that is for you to enjoy your commission :)★Have a question that didn't get answered? Check out my FAQ!★


Currently offering commissions at a reduced rate only for the types listed below. If you would like something else though, feel free to message me. (The prices listed below are the reduced rate prices)

Commissions are split into different types with various levels of shading/color/rendering.
Review this list before making a commission request so you know what you want ahead of time and can fill out the form correctly.
The types Im currently offering are
Half body
Symmetrical Icons
Chibi and half body are available in Sketch or Fully Colored, Icons only come in color*note, if you wish to have two characters in one piece, there is additional charge of half the cost of the commission added to the total for doing so.
Ex. to add another character to a $10 commission, it would be $5 more, making the total $15


Half Body
Sketch - $25
Full Color - $50

Fullbody Sketch - $25
Fullbody Color - $35

Symmetrical Icons
Chibi Symmetrical - $25

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the timeline for a commission look like?
The timeline is layed out in my Info tab but TLDR. You pay, I draw a little bit, I send to you for approval, I draw a little bit more, you approve again, I finish the drawing, you check it over for final details, then Tada. Your commission files will arrive in your inbox :)
Can I pay once the commission is completed?
Sorry but no, if you have payment concerns just message me or commission me later ;)
What if I want a Background?
Backgrounds are not typically included in any commission type other than full rendered paining. However, please let me know if you want a background in the other types. I do offer (excluding the sketch option) the choice between no background (transparent or solid color), a boarder/outline, or simple shapes/patterns at no extra charge. I can be flexible but you have to tell me you want that sort of thing :)
Will you draw me an NFT?
Absolutely not, nor do I give permission to the commissioner to use my work in this way. Get your ugly monkeys elsewhere.
I don't have a visual reference, can I used a typed up one?
It is very much preferred if you have one but I can work off of detailed descriptions that are supported by "mood boards" and color pallets. That said, if you are simply looking for someone to design your character based on a description, I can make reference sheets. Just shoot me a message (price fluxates based on how much "development" will be necessary on my end). However, if you do have a pretty good text description (With additional supporting google images) I can work with that without an additional "character design" fee.
If I commission you, what can I do with the image once its mine?
More Info on this in the Info Tab but the TLDR is whatever you want as long as you don't use it for nfts, input it into AI generators, remove my signature or claim that you drew the art yourself :)
Can I use my commission for commercial purposes?
While I welcome people to commission me for commercial work, if you wish to use your commission for this purpose, please tell me. Works made with the explicit purpose of being used in advertising or as your store merch (like buttons of your VTuber Model or whatever) may have be priced differently. However some things may cost the same. Just be upfront with me on what you are using it for and ill let you know :)
You say in your ToS that the signature must stay on the image. But what if I get something without a signature (ex. a twitch emote)?
In this case, All I request is give me credit somewhere on your page (for example, on Twitch you may have a widget that has a list of people who you have commissioned for your theme/emotes ect. over the years)
Can I tip you?
Abso-freaking-lutley, may as well butter my butt and call me a biscuit ill be so dang thankful (don't ask me what that sentence means but I have a Ko-Fi linked at the bottom)
What programs/equipment do you use to draw?
Clip Studio Paint EX, 2 monitors connected to a Gamer laptop (who is constantly working overtime, bless its heart) and a refurbished Wacom One!
Can't find the answers to your questions here? Send me a message over Twitter/Tumblr or shoot me an email!
~it should be noted that these communication channels are open for commission inquiries. I can not help you find the meaning of life in the universe, or other such questions, apologies ;)

Commission Form
Commissions are closed but you can fill out to form to grab a spot for when I reopen in august

Since Google Forms hates me and wont notify me, if you fill out the form please reach out to me on any of my Social Medias and tell me that you filled one out! I like the forms for keeping records of my coms but if you just fill it out and don't tell me I may not see it!
Thank you for your understanding.

Here are the commission forms. Make sure to read everything carefully when completing the form. If you have any issues or questions feel free to dm me or shoot me an email